My Embellished Life is turning out to be a great experiment in community blogging and story-telling! Big thanks to everyone who's shared your own first-person stories so far. "Virtual high-five," as I hear my teen son say while online gaming!

Why share your first-person, possibly embellished, life story here?

  1. Your story will reach a new audience because I promote every post to my networks on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. 
  2. Your story will be linked back to your own blog and that will help you build your readership numbers.
  3. It's a fun experiment in community-building.

I hate rules, but here are two I'd like you to respect.

  1. No erotica. It's not that I want to be anyone's moral police, but the internet has lots of homes and huge followings for that kind of first-person, embellished story. My goal is to build a home for all the other stories in this broad genre.
  2. Please comment on (at least) one other writer's story before you post your story or a link to your blog here. As writers, we all love feedback on our work, so make someone smile today by letting them know their words made an impact. Then share your link and wait to receive your own virtual high-fives!

How to get your embellished life tale posted.

  1. If you have a blog and a specific story you'd like to share, drop the link to your story into the comments on this page. I'll take it from there. 
  2. If you don't have a blog but have a story to share, just paste the whole story as a comment. I'll take it from there. Be sure to include your name! And, if you want me to let you know your story's been added to My Embellished Life, provide an email address. I'll delete the info quickly so your address isn't left online for spam-bots to find.


I include one photo with each story so if your original post has one, I'll copy the URL and add it to your post on My Embellished Life. (I'm told this will be good for your own blog's search results...). 

If you don't provide a photo, I'll find one online.

Questions? Comments? Observations?

You know where to put them! ... in the comment box below ...

And if you like this project, consider giving it a Google +1. That will help us find more writers with embellished (or not!) life stories to share and more readers for our tales.

Write on!


  1. Thank you for this opportunity Donna. It's a creative idea!

    Here's my link, and actually there's nothing embellished about it:



    1. Hi Ken,
      What a great story - and not only because it has a happy ending with both you being fine AND the girl you set out to see becoming your lifelong partner! The volunteer firefighter in me, however, can't help but tsk-tsk your youthful foolishness.

      I've scheduled your story to post on Thursday afternoon and will promote once it goes live, mid-afternoon, PST. Thanks so much for playing in this community writing sandbox!

  2. Hey, Donna, not sure if this came through the last time. Thanks again for offering to post it.

    1. Ife, Thanks for try, trying again. I'm currently prepping your story to post for Thursday, tomorrow.

      Thank you so much for sharing it. I've now read it three times and it's still entertaining! I wish I'd had your foresight and kept such a blog about my son, who is almost 16 and would kill me if I blogged about him now!


    Donna, this is a wonderful thing you are doing. I enjoyed reading all the blogs (and commented on Joshua's). Thank you!

    1. Martha, your comment to joshua was touching. Thank you for sharing.

      I'm prepping your story to post but I'll be going on holiday on Friday and won't have internet access (yahoo!). So rather than schedule your story to go live while I'm gone, since I won't be able to promote it, I'll schedule it for when I return. Probably on the last Monday in March.

      Wishing you a much more settled spring/summer 2012 that 2011 gave you.

  4. It's a great idea. It will bring up interesting stories about people.
    However, here is my post on a personal experience I had faced in office.


    1. Indrasish, that is quite a story! It made me wonder how stressful your specific job is and how hard it must be to work shifts that require you have a company taxi to drive you home. Not to excuse your behaviour, but maybe to empathize.

      I'll schedule this post for the last week of March. In the meantime, please take a minute to post a comment on another writer's story.

    2. Thanks, Donna. I am on your site for the second time. I will visit it again.

  5. Hi Donna,
    Hope you are doing well. Would you be interested to take up a short story for your site?


  6. Absolutely, Indrasish - if it's written in first person! Please send the link and I'll add the first few hundred words to the My Embellished Life blog and then link it back to your blog or the site where the whole story can be found. ~D

  7. Beautiful website I am inspired by all the stories. Here is my website
